Bokem Legacy Presents – Who’s Famous & Who’s Not So Famous

Being on social media comes with a lot of challenges, flame throwing, hidden romances and battling to see who comments first on posts just to mark their position.

Battling to be “FAMOUS” comes with a lot of responsibility, like making sure you post the best pictures, captions need to be on point and if there’s hate, you need to be apart of it.

The Bokem Legacy Team searched for “Who’s Famous and Who’s Not So Famous on Social Media”

Here are our candidates below who are fighting to be crowned The Bokem Legacy’s WHO’S FAMOUS AND WHO’S NOT SO FAMOUS…
1. Theogan L Pillay

No. Of Facebook friends

*2 418*

 No. Of Instagram followers
*3 219*

What are your hobbies?
*Dancing, Baking, Volley ball, Hiking*

What’s been your worse status update?
*”How much of your cross section is shaded” This was in grade 12*

Why do you think that you are famous on social media?

*Firstly, those savage captions on all of my selfies* 

*Acquiring caption and photo credits*  

*My great sense of style in terms of dressing and hair*

*Fantastic at connecting with people and bringing out their best and firing up their self confidence* 

*My collection of memes featured on numerous comments*

*Cause I’m an Engineer*

*I have a great sense of humour and a quick wit for posts*

 *I seem to be at the top of many friends news feeds due to commenting and liking almost everything, hence I think I’m famous on social media* 
Have you ever been reported for any of your posts?


2. Martin P Solomons

Martin is in it to win it…

With a Facebook following of 4761  and an Instagram following of 1678 he claims that being FAMOUS is not difficult at all.

His hobbies include,dancing, playing the drums, socializing with friends. I’m also into art work like painting.

Martin’s worst status update was probably about girls posting pictures of themselves half naked and asking for respect… there we’re a lot of people who had their own opinion which kinda started a fight over that status 😂

You think you  FAMOUS probably because , I make people laugh with most of my posts and comments, so they find some sort of entertainment when I post… 

Any hate posts being reported? Not really, because I don’t really post inappropriate things.

3. Shaneeka Savarna Sewnundan

Facebook Friends: 4038

Instagram Followers: 2681

Her hobbies include…”I literally love almost everything like swimming, play soccer(I used to play in school)and I love to try anything new really , i obviously love to eat but anything besides fish:twisted:…spending time with others who literally make my life most memorable is the defiantly the most important to me❤. She is also into making her own music, she’s got some serious skill!”

Her status that made her FAMOUS and got her a lot of likes will most definitely be ” Once Upon A Time… I Was Falling In Love But Now… I’m Falling Apart”

She doesn’t think she’s FAMOUS. She claims to love making friends bad socializing…and Ofcourse she hasn’t been reported for anything whatsoever.

4. Tyrese T Mohanlall

No. Of Facebook friends – 5000

No. Of Instagram followers – 1566

What are your hobbies?

Skateboarding, djing and dancing.

What’s been your worse status update?

I don’t have a worse status update.

Why do you think that you are famous on social media?

I have the realist captions and the people who comment on my posts.

Have you ever been reported for any of your posts?

No , none of my posts have been reported.
5. Caleb Padayachee

Mr Caleb has 5000 Facebook friends and 764 Instagram Followers. 

He loves playing soccer, listening to music, community work and socializing. He claims to post good pictures, upload funny statues and he says that he is sweet.

He hasn’t been reported on Social Media and he has no worse status updates!
So here we go, we have our top 6 social media frenzy peeps battling it out to be crowned BOKEM LEGACYS MOST FAMOUS.

All you have to do is comment below the person’s name you think is the most FAMOUS on social media.

Voting opens 8:45 ( 4 January) and closes 23:59 (6 January)

Good Luck 🙂 

197 Comments Add yours

  1. Londi says:

    Theogan L Pillay

  2. Henrietta James says:

    Theogan L Pillay

  3. Ashley says:

    Theogan L Pillay

  4. Jason says:

    Theogan L Pillay

  5. Thershen says:

    Theogan L Pillay my brother is famous

  6. Lunika says:

    Theogan L Pillay

  7. Bantu says:

    Theogan L Pillay – boss man 😀

  8. Justin says:

    Theogan L Pillay

  9. Taygan says:


  10. maseeha says:

    Theogan pillay

  11. Kiran says:

    Theogan L Pillay is gonna win 😀

  12. Jason says:

    Theogan L Pillay

  13. Aidan says:

    Theogan L Pillay is my bro and he will win 😉

  14. Sibonelo says:

    ufriendyami Theogan L Pillay 😀 😀 😀

  15. Nadia says:

    Awwww Theogan L Pillay ❤

  16. Creaska says:

    Homie 😀
    Theogan L Pillay has been famous since first year of campus (2012)
    His good looks and dressing charms all the girls ❤

  17. Diveshin says:

    Awe Marmz Theogan L Pillay
    You gonna win bra 😉

  18. Eren says:

    Theogan L Pillay 😉

  19. Mogz says:

    Theogan L Pillay represent the Engineers 😀

  20. Quenton says:

    Theogan L Pillay my man 😀

  21. Shan says:

    Theogan L Pillay first friend I saw with over 300+ likes
    Hope you win Theo ❤

  22. Jeon says:

    Theogan L Pillay just lose bra 😉
    Just kidding

  23. Kayurin Govender says:

    Theogan L Pillay.
    I love you and think you should win.

  24. Deon says:

    Caleb Padayachee

  25. Justin says:

    Theogan L Pillay

  26. Nadia says:

    Theogan L Pillay

  27. Navan says:

    Theogan L Pillay is famous

  28. Avash says:

    Theogan L Pillay

  29. Sanele says:

    Theogan L Pillay

  30. Jivesha says:

    Martin P Solomons

  31. Shu says:

    Theogan L Pillay ❤ ❤ ❤

  32. Sabir L says:

    Theogan L Pillay

  33. randzo says:

    theogan pillay


    Martin P Solomons


    Martin P Solomons 👌

  36. Ziaad Moopanar says:

    Martin P Solomons 👅

  37. Azaaria moopanar says:

    Martin P Solomons❤

  38. Eren says:

    Theogan L Pillay

  39. Amy says:

    I know Theogan L Pillay is famous ❤

  40. klarise says:

    Tyrese T Mohanlall 💜🔥

  41. kshipra ganapati says:

    Theogan L Pillay

  42. Ethan says:

    Shaneeka Savarna Sewnundan

  43. Jason says:

    Tyrese T Mohanlall

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