Powerful, Amazing & Fierce – Sue Vasikan Govender

The Beautiful Sue Vasikan Govender

The old saying that floats around during Women’s Month – YOU STRIKE A WOMEN , YOU STRIKE A ROCK, is so fitting for what I am going to share today. Women play a very intergral part in society and if often not given the full credit for the hard work they do. Infact women are equal to men. Yes, if that never hit you as yet, let me remind you WOMEN = MEN.


The Bokem Legacy team caught up with this inspirational women who has been hiding back scenes and its time we showcase her love for what she does and the love for her family. Sue Vasikan Govender is the lead female singer of a very popular band in South Africa – VERSATYL. She needs no “man” to help her set up for her gigs. She knows exactly how to set up her sound, do sound checks and get them packed in her van and move along. She also just made a debut on Rajesh Gopie’s – Hook or by Crook recently. There is no better way to celebrate this amazing day than by sharing this amazing interview with you. I hope you enjoy just as much as I did.

1.Who is Sue and how would you describe yourself using three words?

I’m a 38 year old hottie, married to a stud – Vasikan Govender and also doting mother of 3 teenage boys!

Three words that describes me are : Fiesty, happy, loving

2.  If you had to decide, what will the letters W O M E N stand for?






3. Lets talk about your amazing family. Everyone will agree with me that when they see you’ll, the wish they have the same bond as you’ll do. What are your secrets to a happy, loving family?

Ah, thank you. People tell us all the time how blessed we are and it’s true, we are truly blessed with each other. Respect goes along way in my home. RESPECT for everything and everyone.

 4. Describe to me your relationship as a mother to your kids?

 Three sons with three different personalities… It’s a never dull day. While I’m a disciplinarian, (I expect beds to made before you leave for school lol) my boys can come to me with anything and everything and they do… sometimes at 2 in the morning!

 5. List 5 things that women need to know inorder to have a successful and fulfilling marriage.

 RESPECT, EMAPTHY, FORGIVENESS(esp for not putting the toilet seat down on a cold night),DATE NIGHTS(no kids allowed lol) and lots and lots of PASSION

6. Give me some insight on the highly successful band – VERSATYL

Ooh VERSATYL…My husband Vasikan has been singing  for over 30 years(he’s amazing) …just over 10 yeas ago he decided to start his own band. Many people have come n gone but now have a wonderful team.We sing in Tamil, Hindi,Telegu, English and a little bit of Zulu.

We started experimenting with covers of songs that no else would do… You know the “hectic numbers” lol

From there we’ve gone on to do Emcee work as a couple which is very popular with many of our clients. My sons grew up with VERSATYL and are now a major part of the band with their vocals and dancing.Bringing in a youthful freshness and doing their own choreography which most times surprises me!

7. As a women, what are some of the stereotypical issues that you face in our career and in your normal day to day life?

Isn’t the list too long for women???lol

I’ve had comments on the road about my driving(by the Way I have a C1 license which is code 10).

I can actually set up and handle a sound rig (which my darling hubby taught me) and I’ve done quite a few where people came up to me ask if I’m really doing it!!!

I’ve had clients who’d rather speak to my hubby than me about bookings but I usually only forward all the old ladies calls to him lol!


8. I’ve read that you are also a brilliant dancer…what dance genres do you specialize in and of all which is your favourite?

Omw…Someone bluffed you… Lol

Although yes I love to dance but unfortunately the only one I specialize in is the crazy mom dance…Which is a bit of jiggling and wiggling!

 9.  You’ve recently made a debut in Rajesh Gopie’s – Hook By Crook. Talk to me about this experience and what do you have in store in the future.

It was one of the most amazing yet scary experiences. Mr Gopie is an amazing artist, teacher and director. I was very privileged to be a part of  HOBC. I have formed beautiful friendships with a group of the most talented, loving and humble people. I haven’t met a group of people who so much just wanted the best for each other.

I haven’t really put out feelers for anything new yet but I am hoping to develop my own stage performances including VERSATYL.

 10. What advise will you give to every women out there?

Do what makes you happy!

My father in law always told me that I am the most important person in my life and that is something I carry everyday. My God Mother taught me to kill a person with kindness… But always remember how strong you are, and then times that by 10!


60 Seconds With SUE

  • Favourite Song?
  • I have too many…They all make me feel a different way
  • Your Man Crush?
  • Vasikan Govender (even if he wasn’t my husband)
  • One thing you dislike?
  • Lies!
  • Lay in a box of snakes or scorpions?
  • Can I lay between the boxes?
  • Comedy or Romance?
  • Romantic Comedy? Lol
  • Is crying a sign of weakness or strength?
  • Love is….
  • My Family
  • Chicken or fish?
  • Fish
  • Hot or cold?
  • Hot
  • Sharks or Dolphins?
  • Sharks


RESPECT is what keeps the Govender family glued together. 

The Bokem Legacy Wishes All You Amazing WOMEN, A Very Happy Women’s Day. Remeber You Are Strong, Bold And Courageous. To Sue and her family, keep inspiring, motivating and doing what you’ll love.  

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